New developments in information-seeking and library services on the Miami University Middletown campus.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Blackboard Embedded Librarian Pilot Program Starting Spring Semester 2009
Information Literacy Forum Starting in January 2009
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Get it Together in the STAR Lounge
The Lounge is equipped with:
- a 47" LCD TV
- a DVD player/VCR unit
- cable TV
- a Nintendo Wii gaming system
- a computer with a wireless keyboard and mouse
- work tables by the TV
- a small round table
- a 4' x 6' white board
- six chairs (and more are available to bring in)
The Lounge may be used to:
- watch a DVD, a videotape, or a live TV program with a group
- create a presentation of write a document or work on software with a group
- practice a presentation before giving it in class
- work with a small group for training or group review of information using the computer and TV or the white board
- have a meeting using the white board, TV, or just talking to one another
- play a game on the Wii (see the list)
- record a podcast (using one of our digital voice recorders, or a microphone and Audacity)
We have some ideas about how you can use the room. How will you use it? Take a look today and imagine how it might work with your study group or class or ?
The room may be used for two hours at a time. We are also happy to reserve it for you ahead of time. Be sure to check in at the InfoDesk before using the STAR Lounge.
Attention All Music Fans!
If not, keep reading!
Pandora Radio is an internet radio player which allows users to create, blend, and share stations based on the music they like. From the Pandora main page, users have the option to type in the name of a favorite song or artist; Pandora then generates an internet radio station by compiling songs with similar musical qualities. Users can create as many stations as they like for free, or browse Pandora’s selection of genre stations. While listening, users can indicate whether they like or dislike a particular song to hear it more often, less often, or never again on a specific station. By creating an account, users can listen to their stations any time or place they have internet access. Stations can be blended for more diverse listening or shared with friends through email.
Pandora is based on the Music Genome Project, “the most comprehensive analysis of music ever undertaken.” The project studies various elements of music such as “melody, harmony, instrumentation, rhythm, vocals, lyrics ... close to 400 attributes!” Using this information, Pandora connects listeners to the music they love and helps users explore a wide variety of related new and lesser-known music.
What does this have to do with the library, you ask? Librarians are always looking for ways to share good information with our users and improve the overall library experience. This site is just FUN and we thought you would enjoy it. Stop by the library for a demo, or to ask for help navigating the site. We provide headphones, so you can listen while using the library computers for homework, research, or just surfing the net!
For more information, check out
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
New Materials for November
You can find our current and previous new materials lists on the left hand side of our web site under "New Materials Lists."
Have a suggestion of something to order? Email one of our staff members or drop by the library. Thanks!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Library Services Delivered to Distance Users
We would like to collaborate with you to empower your students and enable them to undertake academic research effectively and efficiently. We are searching for ways to partner with you in order to provide library services to Miami students enrolled in off-site courses, at the VOA Learning Center, and in online courses.
You expect university students, upper division and graduate students, to know how to undertake research papers and projects using academic resources specific to your discipline. Librarians find students are unfamiliar with today’s electronic resources and services and do not know how to proceed:
• to locate authoritative academic resources, print and electronic
• to understand copyright issues & cite sources properly using APA or MLA
• to narrow a topic and select search terms best suited to the research topic
• to utilize full-text databases, eBook collections, and digital media
• to understand the difference between popular and scholarly sources
• to evaluate Websites
Typically most instructors assume these information literacy skills are in place and do not take class time to teach students how to search for information. Sadly, many students do not possess these essential information literacy skills, although they surf the WWW, download music, and text wonderfully well. Moreover, the information world is ever changing. New tools are released such as Reference Universe, new database interfaces are released as was the case of for all EBSCOhost databases in July 2008, and then specialized, subject-specific databases are available about which students know next to nothing.
Students become anxious and overwhelmed by research assignments, but may say little to you, the Professor. Who wants to admit such things to one’s professor? We librarians see these students at the library, wondering and wandering.
Gardner-Harvey librarians are adopting a proactive approach to information literacy for students who may never walk through the doors of our Library. We are offering MUM Faculty who are teaching off-site, online, or VOA courses a suite of library services to strengthen student achievement. See the list below and determine which ones would work best in your class. Then contact one of GHL Librarians to create the services selected. Let’s work together to ensure your students have the research skills they need to succeed.
1. We will come to your classroom and provide information literacy instruction, customized to your student research project or paper. Typical sessions last from 45-75 minutes.
2. We will create research guides listing research strategies, full-text databases, and citation tools to assist students in completing research assignments for Nursing, Botany, Computer Info Tech.
3. We offer individual research consultations by appointment, using an online form
4. We have built a series of brief screencasts covering essential information literacy concepts and skills which you may link to from your Blackboard course.
For example: “The Ins and Outs of Searching for Information”
5. We will build new Captivate screencasts if one is not already available.
6. We will post reference works and authoritative Websites relevant to a specific course on See one example for Nursing 105
7. Pilot Program: Embedded Librarian in Blackboard, Spring Semester 2009
Because Gardner-Harvey librarians teach credit courses using Blackboard, we are able to work with students in your Blackboard course as an instructor or course builder. We will partner with you during the research component of the course or throughout the semester if you prefer, by answering students’ questions dealing with research in the discussion board, blog, announcements, or email. We will suggest sources, research tips, and new ways of working efficiently. We are eager to connect your students with the many and ever-expanding collection of electronic resources available to Miami University students.
To ensure January 2009 Library Services are in place for your course and students, contact the Gardner-Harvey Librarians now to discuss the most effective suite of library services for your course requirements.
Blackboard Embedded Librarian Pilot Program
An embedded librarian partners with faculty members in the Blackboard environment as an instructor or course builder. One of the Gardner-Harvey librarians will assist with your class research endeavors. These research efforts may include links to library resources, methods of narrowing a topic, explaining how to identify search terms, or using RefWorks to manage bibliographic citations. Today’s students possess technology skills, but may feel uncertain when embarking on the “Research Voyage” alone. A knowledgeable, available navigator may be welcomed to address students’ questions and concerns. Through the Discussion Forum, Blog, Email, Announcements, Library Resources Button, or FAQ the librarian will interact with individuals or the class as a whole. In this way the librarian may comment on the student’s selected research topic, suggest relevant academic resources, and provide strategies of solving information problems, explain confusing concepts like intellectual property and plagiarism, administer online information literacy quizzes, and generally encourage academic scholarship among your students. You remain the subject expert but collaborate with a professional librarian versed in current academic research methods.
Why would I want an embedded librarian turning up in my Blackboard course?
Academic librarians are passionate about instructing students in information literacy. We want to develop these essential 21st century skills in your students so they become effective, efficient researchers. These skills are learned and cannot be assumed to be in place. Sometimes students survive on a slim set of research skills. When they encounter the semester term paper, the capstone project, or the graduate thesis, which all require subject specific resources and research strategies previously unknown, they falter. So many sources of information; so many questions… Enter the librarian, proposing this joint venture with you.
How long would this relationship last?
Gardner-Harvey librarians are willing to engage your students during the research component of your Blackboard course for several weeks or throughout the entire semester. If you prefer, we will assist at start-up only to spotcheck your research assignment from a research perspective, to build a library resources page customized to the course to include reference works, databases and collections, authoritative Web sites, supply controlled vocabulary and subject headings, links to screencasts teaching core skills we have created or endorse, and our contact information. You tell us which collaborative arrangement best fits your needs.
Contact us by December 15, 2008 to set this working relation in motion so as to be ready for the January 2009 Pilot Program.
Gardner-Harvey Library, Miami University Middletown
John Burke, Director 73293
Beth Tumbleson, Assistant Director 73232
Sarah Frye, Public Services fryesm@muohio 73291
Thursday, November 06, 2008
What College Faculty Say Freshmen Students Don't Do
Librarians revel in sharing their knowledge on these topics and at GHL we eagerly seek opportunities to work within the campus community to debunk lists of things which students “Don’t Do.” We encourage you to challenge yourself! If you notice unfamiliar terms or concepts in this list, stop by the library and see what your librarians can do for you!
Albert Einstein said it best: “If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn’t be called research, would it? :o)
What College Faculty Say Freshmen Students Don’t Do
- Know what they don’t know
- Know who to ask for research help
- Understand library jargon, ex. “full text”
- Follow research process steps, ex. information literacy model
- Estimate time required for research, ex. Interlibrary loan
- Define a research question or topic that’s not shallow or ‘pop’
- Find different formats of information
- Understand that web search engines rarely locate college-appropriate information
- Distinguish between OPACs and online databases
- Conduct effective searches using
o Keywords, alternate search terms
o Boolean terms, ex. AND, OR
o Controlled vocabulary, subject headings
o Field searching, ex. author, title
- Interpret search results
- Find full text of articles
- Find books using Library of Congress (LC) classification, not Dewey
- Use reference books in the library
- Regroup when first attempts to find resources don’t work, ex. try a different database
- Weed through search results to find adequate and accurate information
- Evaluate information using standard evaluation criteria
- Distinguish between popular and scholarly articles
- Disregard inadequate or inaccurate information
- Synthesize, communicate, and argue a thesis using evidence
- Analyze data and statistics
- Represent, analyze, and critique the ideas of others ethically
- Write without plagiarizing (accidentally or otherwise), ex. use in-text citations - Cite sources properly using multiple citation styles, ex. Citation Builder
P. Owen & M. OakleafUsing Evidence to Bridge the 12-13 Gap OELMA 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
New materials for September/October
You can find our current and previous new materials lists on the left hand side of our web site under "New Materials Lists."
Have a suggestion of something to order? Email one of our staff members or drop by the library. Thanks!
Watch out! Library video tutorials
Each screencast is fairly short (3-6 minutes). Our current list of screencasts includes several that we produced and a number that have been freely shared by OhioLINK, other academic libraries, and database producers. You can see them here.
Special thanks on the development of our screencasts goes to assistant library director Beth Tumbleson for her efforts on the project. Beth was able to take part in a faculty learning community sponsored by the Center of Online Learning (CoOL), and the work of that group toward the development of online Nursing classes provided the impetus for our screencasts. We are grateful to CoOL and the Department of Nursing for their assistance/motivation.
This is a great way to gain a quick overview of library concepts. We would be happy to have faculty members link to appropriate screencasts from their Blackboard classrooms or other sites. If there are screencasts you would like us to develop on specific resources or research areas, please let us know.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Want to create some visual interest in your classes?
If you missed the sessions, there are some extremely helpful resources for learning to use ARTstor on your own at See the PDFs of session outlines and handouts for the materials presented on the 8th. You may also find brief video tutorials for ARTstor on YouTube.
Join a representative from the database ARTstor on Wednesday morning, October 8th, for a series of training sessions on this digital library of nearly one million images in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences. Here’s a link to the database:
Thanks to our library colleagues in Oxford, the Gardner-Harvey Library will host three sessions on ARTstor between 9:00 and noon. Each session has a distinct focus on the database, but if you can only attend one the trainer is flexible about fitting each one to people’s specific needs or interests (she will be happy to give a general overview as a part of each session). Here are the times and topics:
9:00-10:00 - Introduction to ARTstor: introductory session on what ARTstor can do, basic navigation, etc
10:00-11:00 - Teaching with ARTstor: how to incorporate ARTstor into coursework. Creating image groups, instructor’s settings, etc.
11:00-12:00 - Presenting with ARTstor: how to use the offline image viewer, etc.
All sessions will be held in the library’s Learning Lab (GRD 111) so that there can be an opportunity for hands-on work.
You may wish to consider the possibilities of using this resource in courses from various disciplines. ARTstor has prepared guides for using its resources in fields such as anthropology, medieval studies, theater, women’s studies, music history, history, foreign languages, and more!:
If you’d like to see what ARTstor could provide for you and your students, please stop by one of the sessions on Wednesday. Be sure to invite interested students as well! Light refreshments will be available.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Wii want to play . . . and learn
Why a Wii? Well, we're interested in exploring this technology not only for its recreational possibilities but its potential as an educational tool. A recent Educause document details the 7 things you should know about the Wii. Our student assistants have replicated the experiments with the Wiimote controller shown here. A forthcoming study from the American Library Association will explore the possible connections between gaming and literacy. We hope that you will join us in these investigations, sharing this resource that we have purchased for all of us to use in common.
So whether you want to practice your bowling, or try out the WiiFit on your lunch hour, or experience Star Wars The Force Unleashed or MarioKart, come by the library and check out the Wii!
Library Open House
Mark your calendars -
3:00-5:00 pm on Wednesday, September 24th
1:00-3:00 pm on Thursday, September 25th
We hope you'll join us! Stop by for a few minutes between classes and meetings or stick around and relax at the library for the afternoon.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Personalized Research Help
Or, stop by the Library and fill out a purple request form at the InfoDesk. A librarian will contact you within 24 hours to set up a time and you’ll be on your way to receiving unhurried, personalized help with your research questions.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Textbooks Collection Gains Donation and Grows
We've added 38 new books to the collection, updating a number of changed editions and adding books for ten new courses: (ACC 221, ACC 222, ART 111, ART 121, ART 186, CJS 125, EDP 209, MBI 111, MKT 291, MTH 125). We now offer textbooks for more than 85 Miami courses.
Be sure to check the list at to see if textbooks are available for your course. And keep your donations of used copies or extra desk copies coming! We are always eager to extend this program to help students have access to the learning materials they need.
Friday, August 22, 2008
What's New @Your Gardner-Harvey Library
For the outdoor-type, sit at the new cafe tables on the back terrace. Read, study, and chat while gazing on the green hillside. For the indoor-type, explore the STAR Lounge (Space for Technology, Academics, and Recreation). Here you may practice PowerPoint presentations, watch DVDs with a group, connect to cable TV, or game with Nintendo Wii. New signage should help direct you to these library areas.
While here, grab a copy of Navigating the Information Universe, our Fall Semester 2008 newsletter to update the Miami University Middletown community on library developments, services, and resources available to Faculty/Staff and Students. The information world is ever expanding.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
New Materials for July
You can find our current and previous new materials lists on the left hand side of our web site under "New Materials Lists."
Have a suggestion of something to order? Email one of our staff members or drop by the library. Thanks!
Monday, July 14, 2008
New Materials for June
You can find our current and previous new materials lists on the left hand side of our web site under "New Materials Lists."
Have a suggestion of something to order? Email one of our staff members or drop by the library. Thanks!
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Three New OhioLINK Libraries
These newest additions bring the total number of OhioLINK member institutions to 90, including 16 public/research universities, 23 community/technical colleges, 50 private colleges and the State Library of Ohio.
(from Candi Clevenger at OhioLINK)
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Sarah Frye joins GHL staff!
Database Changes for July 1
What’s Changing?
(The following links are somewhat unstable at the moment -- they will be linked from the University Libraries' Indexes & Databases page when they are fully up and running)
* Biography Reference Bank will replace American National Biography. Biography Reference Bank provides biographical information on approximately half a million people, from antiquity to the present, along with thousands of images.
* Consumer Health Complete (an EBSCOhost database) provides convenient access to easily understandable health and medical information including medical encyclopedias, popular reference books and magazine articles.
* Science Online will replace AccessScience. Science Online presents a broad range of scientific disciplines through extensive definitions, essays, diagrams, biographies, and experiments.
* World Book Web (includes World Book Dictionary, World Book Atlas, World Book Advanced, World Book Kids, and Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos) will replace Encyclopaedia Britannica Online, Encyclopaedia Britannica School Edition and Enciclopedia Universal en Español. World Book Web is a suite of online research tools that delivers encyclopedia articles, primary source collections, educator tools, student activities, pictures, audio, and video, complemented by current periodicals and related Web sites.
In addition, OhioLINK will not be renewing its subscription to Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals and Bibliography of the History of Art. Some OhioLINK member libraries may continue to subscribe some of the canceled resources individually (Miami is continuing with American National Biography at least; more news as it develops). Please let us know if you have any questions.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Journal Articles Now in
Change has come! Two long established publishers and database vendors H.W. Wilson, 1898- and Modern Language Association, 1883- have negotiated an agreement with OCLC, a worldwide library consortium, to make available “article-level records” in
This means researchers may search a single, vast catalog for books and more than fifty million articles from such databases as MEDLINE, ERIC, British Library, GPO Monthly Catalog, and OCLC ArticleFirst. Once the article is located in, the article will be cross-linked to the full-text database in one’s local library when you click on "Find a Copy." Print holdings of periodicals held by your local library or Miami University Libraries will also be listed. Integrated searching of authoritative journal articles has just gotten a little easier.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Readers To Gather & Discuss
Life is short. So is The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch, Professor of Computer Science, Husband, Father, and Cancer Patient.
What dreams do you hold dear? Are you walking “The Road Less Traveled”? Come discuss what matters most when the clock is running down, as it is for each of us.
When: Thursday, June 26, 2008. 12:00-1:00 P.M.
Where: Gardner-Harvey Library, Blue Chairs Circle
Who: Everyone is welcome, even those who plan to read the book!
Read it. Be Here!
The GHL Story Squad
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
100 Best Technology Products of 2008
Monday, June 02, 2008
Textbooks on Reserve Wrap-Up
TOR started as a collection of textbooks that covered about 40 courses at Miami Middletown. We now offer textbooks that serve as the main text for over 70 courses, along with supplementary materials that accompany several texts.
Use of the program has grown steadily over the last two years. This fall (2007) we tallied 232 items being checked out for use, and that was exceeded in the spring (2008) for a total of 369 checkouts. As of May 12, 2008, the textbooks included in the program have been checked out 793 times since the inception of TOR. Just last week we passed the 800 checkout mark, meaning that items held in the program have circulated an average of nearly 8 times each.
The ten most popular textbooks used by students at MUM are the following (listed with their total lifetime checkouts):
- Elementary and Intermediate Algebra (MTH 101/102) - 98
- Panorama (SPN 101/102) - 77
- Prealgebra (MTH 002) - 74
- Materials and Processes in Manufacturing (ENT 152) - 55
- Engineering Materials (ENT 151) - 48
- Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology (ZOO 171) - 35
- General Chemistry (CHM 137/141) - 34
- New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007 (CIT 154) - 29
- Psychology (PSY 111) - 28
- Microbiology, a Systems Approach (MBI 111/161) - 23
Panorama had been our most popular book for four straight semesters, but Spring 2008 uses pushed the MTH 101/102 book ahead.
The numbers only tell part of the story. Each checkout represents a student who needed to use a given book; perhaps for just two hours, perhaps overnight. Students have taken books to class, studied them in the library, and worked on problem sets at home. The stories that we hear as we interact with these students has continued to motivate us to build and maintain TOR.
In building this collection of textbooks we have benefited tremendously from the donation of textbooks by faculty members and students, funds provided by Miami Middletown Student Government, the use of department library acquisitions funds to purchase textbooks, and the library funding we are provided by the campus. In the year ahead, we will receive further funding for TOR from a donor (more on this later) which will help us keep up our current coverage of courses and expand that reach.
New Materials for May
You can find our current and previous new materials lists on the left hand side of our web site under "New Materials Lists."
Have a suggestion of something to order? Email one of our staff members or drop by the library. Thanks!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Playaways update
We have just added 22 more titles to the collection (with many thanks to Cathy Bishop Clark for her recommendations - hey, you could suggest titles, too!). You can quickly browse the whole list of 130 titles here (most of the new ones are at the top of the list).
You can also browse them in person right in front of our circulation desk in our new rotating Playaway display stand. We're populating the stand now, but it will be ready for your browsing pleasure shortly.
New Materials for April
You can find our current and previous new materials lists on the left hand side of our web site under "New Materials Lists."
Have a suggestion of something to order? Email one of our staff members or drop by the library. Thanks!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
What does the lawsuit against Georgia State mean?
NUL Copyright: What does the lawsuit against Georgia State mean?
Libraries have long provided access to materials on reserve in support of faculty members and their students. Section 108 of Title 17 of the United States Code, AKA the "Copyright Law of the United States of America" specifically guarantees the right for libraries to hold copies of works for the use of students in a given class for the duration of that class.
This case questions the ability of Section 108 to apply in a digital environment. Along with many other academic libraries, Miami University Libraries offers electronic reserves services -- see our guidelines here. We will be carefully watching this case and will post updates as they occur.
KnowItNow Academic: Virtual Reference Service
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
National Library Week
In addition, FREE ACCESS to Books & Authors, a new online readers' advisory resource is available throughout all of April. Build your summer reading list now of favorite authors, genres, expert picks, or award winners. Take a book along wherever you travel.
Chinese-Language Arts and Humanities Journals
OhioLINK member institutions now have access to 257 Chinese-language arts and humanities journals in the China Online Journals collection from Wanfang.
Browse the database:
Quick Search:
Advanced search: or
This resource has been added to the OhioLINK list of databases under China Online Journals and as "also recommended" under all subject areas. It will be added to the Miami University Libraries Indexes and Databases list shortly.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
New Materials for March
You can find our current and previous new materials lists on the left hand side of our web site under "New Materials Lists."
Have a suggestion of something to order? Email one of our staff members or drop by the library. Thanks!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Searching for a Career Direction?
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
April 1: Eric Melbye Reads From Tru
The Gardner-Harvey Library and the Miami University Middletown Campus Bookstore are proud to present a reading by Eric Melbye of his novel Tru.
The event will be held on Tuesday, April 1, 2008, from 12:00-1:00 on the main level of the Gardner-Harvey Library.
Read a description of Tru here.
Eric will share some selections from Tru, take questions from the audience, and sign copies of his book (which will be available for purchase at the event). Light refreshments will be served.
Please set an hour aside for this opportunity to experience literature with a talented author and to celebrate his work.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
In the lap(top) of luxury
For students:
- 4 laptops are available for three-hour loan
- 3 laptops are available for one-day loan
For faculty and staff members:
- 5 laptops are available for seven-day loan
- 2 tablet PCs are available for seven-day loan
We hope that these machines will assist students who would like to use a laptop anywhere on campus (given our campus-wide wireless network) or who need to take a laptop home for overnight use. Faculty and staff who need to travel and present or who need a laptop for use on campus can also benefit.
Checking out a laptop requires your Miami University ID and the one-time completion of a laptop loan form. Please let us know how we can assist you with these devices.
Let me also add that the library, thanks to Technology Services, also has on library reserve the manuals for Microsoft Outlook 2007 and Entourage for Mac OS X 2004 (five copies of each, available to students, faculty, and staff).
March 11: Book Discussion
Stay tuned for an upcoming announcement of a campus reading/book signing by Eric which will come later in March. We may raise some questions on the 11th that Eric can solve for us at that later event. Thanks!
(see the Book Discussion page at
Friday, February 15, 2008
Academic Research Made Easier
With this end in mind, Miami University Libraries invites you to use Reference Universe by Paratext. Search reference materials at the index level rather than the usual title or subject heading level. Go to Input search terms in one search box to locate numerous articles and essays in Miami University Libraries’ reference collection, both print and electronic in addition to its electronic book collection. Results will lead you to either a book with library and call number or link you to the electronic resource itself. Try it and let your partners in research @ your library know what you think. Have your students do the same!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
New Materials List for January
Here's the link to the list:
Let us know if you find this useful. Thanks!
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Book Discussion for January
Indeed, the recent controversy regarding this book and its appearance in play form at Lakota East High School piqued our group’s interest. The book’s original title (and its initial replacement) are quite clearly racist, as is the “nursery rhyme” which is central to the movement of its plot. We have heard it’s a good mystery story, though, and we’d like to approach it as such. More information on the book is available at and further information on the title is available at Copies of various editions of the work are available through OhioLINK at the following link:
So, please feel free to join us for discussion and refreshments. And remember, in February we’ll be reading and discussing Eric Melbye’s Tru (more details forthcoming). Thanks!
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Pssst! Need a textbook?
Textbooks can be checked out for two hours at a time. If you check one out within two hours of our closing time, you can keep it overnight (it's due back at 9:00am the next morning).
See a full list of the courses for which we have textbooks at We have updated the collection for spring semester and added texts for the following courses:
EDP 201
EDT 181
PHL 105
PHY 172
PHS 242
ZOO 114
So the textbooks are here for you. Let us know if we can be of any assistance.