Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Book Discussion for January

We have switched our book choice for January's discussion. We are now reading Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None. We'll meet on January 28 from 12:00-1:00 in the reference/current periodicals area of the library.

Indeed, the recent controversy regarding this book and its appearance in play form at Lakota East High School piqued our group’s interest. The book’s original title (and its initial replacement) are quite clearly racist, as is the “nursery rhyme” which is central to the movement of its plot. We have heard it’s a good mystery story, though, and we’d like to approach it as such. More information on the book is available at and further information on the title is available at Copies of various editions of the work are available through OhioLINK at the following link:

So, please feel free to join us for discussion and refreshments. And remember, in February we’ll be reading and discussing Eric Melbye’s Tru (more details forthcoming). Thanks!

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