If you need to take a look at a textbook for one of your classes, the library just might have it. We have assembled a collection of Textbooks on Reserve for over 60 Miami Plan courses offered at the Middletown campus.
Textbooks can be checked out for two hours at a time. If you check one out within two hours of our closing time, you can keep it overnight (it's due back at 9:00am the next morning).
See a full list of the courses for which we have textbooks at http://www.mid.muohio.edu/library/textbooks.cfm We have updated the collection for spring semester and added texts for the following courses:
EDP 201
EDT 181
PHL 105
PHY 172
PHS 242
ZOO 114
So the textbooks are here for you. Let us know if we can be of any assistance.
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