Thursday, March 27, 2008

Searching for a Career Direction?

An information specialist by any other name would inform and teach. Despite the long-term image management issues, librarians do more than books. In 21st century academic circles, they build Web sites, databases, repositories, and online courses; customize search engines; tag sources; provide 24/7 access to electronic resources; and create wikis, blogs, and research tools. They study up on the shifting sands of plagiarism, copyright, and digital rights management. They share resources around the university, state, and world in print and electronically. They read and write and compute and communicate. They are wizards of multitasking and problem-solving. Above all, the knowledge managers I know are intelligent, creative, and witty. They go to bat for the tentative researcher and are service-minded. In honor of who they are and what they do, take a whimsical YouTube moment and listen to: “The Librarian Song” and view “This is My OhioLINK” by Eric Rieper, OhioLINK video contest winner.

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