Thursday, April 28, 2016

Library Renovation Plans

UPDATE - 8/17/16
Well, last Thursday the wall came down, and we could see the new space.  The rooms are just about complete (just some touch up will remain).  The new room scheduling system is ready to go.  You can schedule any of the 10 study rooms for two hours at a time (one two hour block per day), and up to two weeks in advance.  Our thanks to Library Systems in Oxford for making that possible for us.  Here is a list of the rooms and their capacities.  We're receiving new furniture today, and once the contractors finish up the last items on the punch list, we'll be ready to move in (hopefully on Monday the 22nd).  We'll have seating in the open space between the study rooms and offices for now, and we'll get the book collection moved back over during Winter break and Winter Term.  We're looking forward to starting off the semester with a whole new look!


UPDATE - 8/3/16
With the start of Fall Semester coming on the 29th, we are eager to have the new library space ready for use.  The contractors are on track to get us there, and several more items have been completed or are nearing completion.  The rooms are nearly finished, with painting completed and the carpet in place.  Some furniture has been added to the TEC Lab.  Glass is being delivered for the windows in each room, and should be installed shortly.  We have also laid the groundwork for a new online scheduling system for students, faculty, and staff to reserve the soon to be 10 study rooms.  Much more to come in the next couple of weeks.  Let me know if you have questions.


UPDATE - 7/11/16
We have come a long way with the renovation to date!  The old elevator has been removed, the rooms in the new space have been drywalled, and work in the lobby area on the restrooms and new elevator shaft are progressing.  Two time updates are that the rooms on the main floor of the library should be completed by the middle of August, and the new elevator will be ready by the end of December.  Things are looking good.  If you have questions, do not hesitate to let me know.


The Gardner-Harvey Library has been undergoing a slow metamorphosis during this academic year, and the pace of our change is about to speed up.  Here is how your library experience may be affected as we complete Spring Semester and enter the summer.

Beginning on May 16th, a temporary wall will be constructed to separate the book stacks, the InfoDesk, and our public computer area from the renovation zone.  By the start of Fall Semester, eight study rooms, a new TEC Lab makerspace, and four staff offices will be added in the zone.  By November, a new elevator will be in place.  

For the summer, however, the library will be much smaller in size, and we will not have an elevator in service.  You will have full access to our collection, our computers, deliveries of library materials from Miami University and OhioLINK libraries, and assistance from the library staff.  We will be able to schedule the GRD 111 computer lab for your use, but STAR Lounges 1 and 2 will not be available as they are being used for temporary staff offices and storage. 

Most of the library will be fully open and furnished between now and the Thursday of Finals Week.  Starting on May 6th, the STAR Lounges will begin to be occupied by library staff.  On May 12th, we will begin the final move of furniture out of the renovation zone.

During Finals Week, the library staff will provide free coffee, tea, hot chocolate, lemonade, and mints for your enjoyment as you study.  Check our library hours page and note our special Saturday study hours on May 7th and our upcoming summer hours.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.  Thank you for putting up with our growing pains!


John J. Burke, MSLS
Library Director & Principal Librarian 
Gardner-Harvey Library
Miami University Middletown

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