Thursday, December 03, 2020

Throwback Technology Thursdays: a Mystery Item!

Next in our Throwback Technology series: a Mystery Item!

Well, we are back from our Thanksgiving break with an item for you to identify.  What is this thing in the image above?

It must use electricity . . . 

It's something you can hold in your hand, using a handle on the top . . . 

What is it, though, and why would it be in a library?

Just to note, the toll free number is no longer in service (at least for this device).

Post your thoughts in the comments, and I'll reveal the answer next week.

A bonus image and item for this week is one I mentioned briefly in our Throwback Technology Thursday for October 8 on the Palm Pilot.  It's my old Sony Clie PDA (personal digital assistant) with the included stylus.  It kept me well organized and able to take notes in meetings long before people thought I was playing games on my phone (I'm still just taking notes, mostly). 

If you'd like to see the Clie or the Mystery Item up close, stop by the library.   More throwback technology (and the big reveal) is coming at you next week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Degaussing - bulk recording tape eraser - essentially a giant magnet.