Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Middletown Book Discussion Title for November (again)

The MUM Book Discussion group will next meet on Tuesday, November 29 to discuss Katarina Bivald's book The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend.  We will meet at 12 pm in Room 124 in the Gardner-Harvey Library. Yes, we did already meet in November, but we skipped October; so, it all basically works out.

Here is a brief summary of the title, along with links to request the book from  OhioLINK, and SearchOhio libraries (Just click "Request" and choose "Miami University" from the dropdown list.  Then enter your UniqueID and password, and the library from which you would like to retrieve the item):  

"Broken Wheel, Iowa, has never seen anyone like Sara, who traveled all the way from Sweden just to meet her pen pal, Amy. When she arrives, however, she finds that Amy's funeral has just ended. Luckily, the townspeople are happy to look after their bewildered tourist--even if they don't understand her peculiar need for books."

Give it a read, or read something else interesting and come along to our discussion.  Share what else you've been reading/watching/listening to/experiencing, and help us plan our future readings.

Have an idea for a book to discuss?  Let us know and check out our page of past and future reads at http://www.mid.muohio.edu/library/bookdiscussion.htm

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