Monday, July 22, 2013

The Gardner-Harvey Embedded Librarians Invite You

Embedded Librarian Service, 2013-2014

A student said this about the service:  “I found the link in our class page helpful, especially the APA guides and databases of nursing journals.  I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to access this terrific resource.”

One instructor said:  “…but the students who reached out were met with a quick response, direct answers and a supportive ‘go team’ tone.  invaluable!!”

As Fall 2013 draws closer, please consider collaborating with an embedded librarian to deepen student learning.  Just let us know of your interest to begin the process.

First you and your embedded librarian will discuss your research assignment(s) and priority information literacy skills you want students to develop.  After you add the embedded librarian to your Niikha courses, he/she will place course-specific content in them.

In this way, Miami University Libraries’ resources and services become readily visible and accessible to students learning to conduct scholarly research.  Students begin to expand upon the few sources they typically rely on (course readings and Google).  Your Niihka librarian might help your students by:

·         explaining how to navigate a complex university library system, including OhioLINK
·         troubleshooting technology issues like authentication when off-campus
·         minimizing frustration by explaining research jargon like Peer Review
·         guiding undergraduate researchers to discovery tools like OneSearch
·         linking discipline-specific databases, demonstrating how to apply various limiters as well as use the cite tool.
·         providing credible collections for background research
·         suggesting getting-started Websites like and topic brainstorming charts
·         locating time management tools like project calculators and citing help
·         teaching techniques to evaluate Google results
·         describing how to prevent plagiarism

Given sufficient time, your embedded librarian is also able:
·         to create custom tutorials/screencasts to demonstrate searching
·         to build a LibGuide or interactive subject guide for your course
·         to assist in redesigning research assignments to improve information literacy learning outcomes

The Gardner-Harvey librarians hope you choose to collaborate with us in 2013-2014!  We want your students to develop information fluency which aids academic achievement and is expected by employers.  Email us today:

Beth Tumbleson,
Jessie Long,
John Burke,

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