Monday, February 21, 2011

RefWorks will be gone, but easy bibliographies live on!

You may have already heard that RefWorks will be discontinued at Miami on June 30. This tool for gathering and citing sources does have a variety of possible replacements that can be used as a new home for your RefWorks citations or a fresh start for you to collect citations. Three possibilities provided by University Libraries are pasted below:

EndNote Web:  The program that is most similar to Refworks in functionality. Can import citation information directly from select databases, create a bibliography and format a paper.

Zotero: A [Firefox] browser plug-in with web accessibility. Offers ability to organize items via tags and folders, take notes, and share libraries with collaborators.

Mendeley: Features similar to Zotero but with a social aspect - connect to others with shared research interests via the web version. Also offers a mobile app.

A handout to help you move your citations from RefWorks to these services is available here.

If you have other questions about citing sources, you may wish to consult the resources on our Citing Your Sources page, or contact us directly.

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