Monday, August 29, 2011

Citation Help

Need help citing sources for your papers and have no clue where to begin? The library can help. MLA or APA, we have the guides and tools to help you out. Check out our new Libguides for help creating bibliographies and in-text citations in MLA or APA style. For more help, you can also check out our updated Citing Sources page for help finding which online Citation Tool, such as EasyBib or BibMe, works best.

All this citation help makes our Citing Sources page the Resource of the Week.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Fall Library Newsletter is here!

See what's happening this fall at the Gardner-Harvey Library by viewing our newsletter here.  Then come into the library to view the library's new mural, check out the largest Lite Brite in Butler County, and use our many comfortable study areas and helpful services.  Also, turn to the library website for new databases and all your old favorite information sources.  

Fall is here!  Let us know how we can be of help.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Middletown's African American History on Display

The library is hosting an exhibit provided by the Middletown African American Heritage and Cultural Center in our Group Study Area (on the lower floor of the library).

The exhibit profiles 17 individuals from Middletown's African American community and recounts their contributions.  There is also a timeline that displays events from the African American experience in Middletown, the United States, and the world from 1400-2010.

The exhibit was funded by a grant from the Middletown Community Foundation and is presented in cooperation with the Middletown Historical Society.  Sam Ashworth designed the exhibit.