When searching our library databases you will likely run across article citations with a little "Find it" icon and the words "Find It!" linked below the citation itself.
Clicking on "Find It!" will open a new browser window which displays four useful components:
(1) at the upper left, a link to the full-text of the article will appear (if full-text is available);
(2) on the left hand side, a box will display which (if any) Miami University libraries own the periodical that the article appears in (you will see the name of the library and the range of years that the library owns);
(3) at the upper right, a link to Interlibrary Loan services will lead you to the login screen for our interlibrary loan forms, which you use to request us to order an article from another library at Miami or around the world;
(4) on the right side, "Format citation" allows you to automatically format the citation for the article in a variety of style formats (APA, CBE, Chicago, MLA, Vancouver, RIS, and Refer).
OhioLINK has long provided this service in the databases under a variety of names and icons (OLinks is the official name of the service, and "Find a copy" was a typical link). Now, all OhioLINK databases should display the same "Find It!" icon and label. We hope this will help you find full-text of articles beyond what is available in the given database you are searching, along with a number of other services.